The actual obstacles for a wide implementation of water reclamation and purification plants in MENA countries are mainly related to high operational and maintenance costs as well as low filtration efficiency in very relevant industrial sectors like textiles, cosmetics and olive oil in the MENA area.
The BioNexGen technology will have important impacts on the implementation of water reclamation and purification plants by offering technological solutions to these obstacles. This one-step process technology will achieve breakthroughs by:
- increasing the efficiency and the operational time due to less membrane fouling which permits a constant high membrane flux as well as lower operational and maintenance costs;
- improving the quality of the filtration by retaining micro-pollutants like low-molecular organics and achieving a high COD removal rate;
- increasing the performance of the biological degradation by improving the permeability of the membrane to salts and reducing the generation of toxic sludge.
The BioNexGen technology will furthermore help to protect natural resources and contribute to the sustainable development and well-being of the society in Europe and the MENA countries.